'faith' Tagged Posts

'faith' Tagged Posts

The Power of a Godly Testimony

A testimony is a personal account of how God has worked in a peron’s life. As a Christian, our testimony speaks of what Christ has done in our lives for His glory. Each testimony is a miracle and witness of the power of God bringing life to us who were “dead in trespasses and sins.” When we share our testimonies, we acknowledge God’s presence…

Fear, Anxiety, and Worry

Are you fearful? Anxious? Worried? Do you wonder why situations arise or difficulties seem to plague you? Fear seems to run rampant in our culture. Yet, fear is produced when emotion overtakes sound thinking and peace is banished. And, fear is a toxin that paralyzes hope. Fear is At the Root of Our Questions I write of fear, because truth be told, it is often this very…

What Does it Take To Believe? (part 1)

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. Acts 16:31 To the Philippian jailer’s clear-cut question: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” (v.30), Paul and Silas answered with the clear-cut answer above.  He had only to “believe upon”[i] the Lord Jesus Christ as the only object of trust.  The clear-cut promise: “You will be…

What is Life All About?

The first question in the old catechisms children had to learn in church was, “What is the chief end [goal] of man?” The answer: “The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” This is a good biblical answer, for I Corinthians 10:31 states:  Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.  So we are to…

Is Man Basically Good?

All philosophies and religions stand or fall by their view of sin.  If the disease is not properly diagnosed, there will never be a cure.  Our view of sin and the extent of its devastating effects upon man will subsequently affect our view of man’s salvation. The Word of God reveals that man is a fallen creature (Genesis 3).  By virtue of being created in the…

Will God Bless America?

An article by Dr. Robert Lescelius This question presents a possibility and a problem. The possibility is that God may not bless America, but the opposite. Judgment is a more realistic possibility. Then there is the problem of the Church. Is she, or can she become, an instrument of blessing? Where do God, the Bible, and the Church fit in the future of America? The…

Marking Men

I once heard an old man of God preach on “marking men for God”. He pointed out that Abraham “marked” Isaac for God, Moses “marked” Joshua for God, Elijah “marked” Elisha, and Paul “marked” Timothy. What he meant by “marking” men for God was “disciplining” or “mentoring” them in “the ways of God”. Once a young preacher experiences the reality and power of the Holy Spirit…

Women: Free From Fear

FEAR. What comes to mind when you hear this word? Does your heart leap a bit? Do you think of your bank account? your children? an enemy? OR… do you think of THE strong and mighty one who stands for you? There are many meanings for this little word…FEAR… such a small little word yet so great. So, what does fear mean, exactly? There is a good side to this…

Becoming the Woman God Wants You To Be

Heroes are a good thing. We all have heroes/heroines, don’t we? In fact, I have a few very special heroines who have labored long and faithful for our Lord. These ladies have inspired me to be a godly mother, a faithful wife, and a steadfast child of the King. I love these women, and at times in my Christian walk I have found myself modeling my life to imitate theirs. In…

Women: Surrender Part III

Were the whole realm of nature mine – that were a present far too small – Love so amazing, so divine – Demands my life, my soul, my all! Isaac Watts Sobering words… What are the implications of the Love of God and why do they demand my all? Is it not true as we studied last week – that we are HIS whether we acknowledge it or not. He is our Creator, and…